
This website was conceived with three primary understandings in mind:

  1. Machine learning resources online run the gamut from transformative to downright incorrect.
  2. Those new to machine learning may find it difficult to differentiate the high-quality from the misleading, and seasoned professionals often lack the time to sift through it all.
  3. I can assist these individuals by guiding them directly to the premier machine learning content.

My mission on this site is straightforward—I aim to save you both time and money by directing you towards the finest resources available on a diverse range of machine learning topics.

You may ask, who am I to judge what's good and what's not?

With over five years of experience as a machine learning practitioner, a PhD in Computer Science, and approximately a decade of teaching mathematics under my belt, I am well-equipped to curate these resources.

My approach as a machine learning practitioner is both rapid and inventive. I'm known for my creativity and willingness to experiment, and I leverage these traits to excel in my field. Conversely, when it comes to learning, I'm meticulous and patient. Quality learning is an investment of time, and it is crucial to allocate this time to topics that truly matter.

In essence, with years of experience in both learning and teaching, I offer you the opportunity to benefit from my ability to separate the valuable from the negligible.